2015 January Bulletin


Happy New Year Butte Exchange Club

National Update

January is typically a slow news month for our Club. This January lull allows us an opportunity to re-connect with the National Exchange Club website. The site has recently been refreshed and provides a wealth of information for club members. Please take a moment and browse your National Exchange Club website at www.nationalexchangeclub.org. If you need member access, you must now call to get a personal member login or respond to the email sent out to you on January 20, 2015. Please call the National Exchange Club contact number at (419) 535-3232 if you need assistance.

District Update

Jim Stilwell, District President, announced that District Officers are now planning for the next District Convention to be held at the Big Sky Resort on June 26 and 27, 2015. Details will be forthcoming in the near future. Also, he just returned Sunday night from the National Exchange Mid-Winter Conference in Columbus, Ohio. This is an event for District Presidents and District Presidents–Elect to meet with National Exchange people. We currently have three members of the Butte Exchange Club who serve as Yellowstone District Officers.

    • President                                           Jim Stilwell
    • Immediate Past President             Cindi Farrar
    • Treasurer                                           Linda Corr-Mahugh



  • January 27           :              Olivia Everett – IRBC Program
  • February 3          :               ACE Student Speeches
  • February 10        :               Amber Hanes Miller – Life Flight
  • February 17        :               Ace and Student of the Year Awards Banquet (Evening Meeting)

Watch for additional information on our Ace and Student of the Year Banquet coming on February 17, 2015.


Christmas Turkey Shoot

Reverend Dave Andersen, Pastor of the United Methodist Church, gave a wonderful Christmas message to the Club on December 23rd. Reverend Andersen reminded us “how Christmas happens to us midst the frenzy, noise and stress of holidays when we take a few minutes for quiet and for each other”. The message was humorous and insightful and was a reminder for us all of the true meaning of this season.

The Christmas message was in conjunction with our annual Christmas Turkey Shoot.   Proceeds from both the Thanksgiving and Christmas Turkey Shoots will benefit the Paul Clark Home.

New Member Orientation

The Butte Exchange Club held an orientation session for new members on Thursday, January 15th at the Metals Bank Team Room. New members had an opportunity to hear from Committee Chairs about what each committee does, time commitments and upcoming projects.

Linda Corr Mahugh organized the social and information session. Snacks were available and it was an excellent opportunity for new and current members to network. Thanks to Linda for organizing our new event.

Exchange Club Member Orientation January 2015 (2)

New Member Orientation at the Metals Bank




Steve Daniel, Membership Chair, indicates that “membership continues to grow as our reputation for having fun while doing great things in the community continues to grow. Occasionally we even get unsolicited interest by non-members about membership. Of course the only way to keep meaningful club numbers is with each of us being willing to invite our friends and/or acquaintances to check us out by attending a meeting or other club function. Remember that the club will pay for lunch for a guest who is a prospect for membership. Healthy membership numbers means a more healthy flow of good ideas about how to best serve this wonderful community in which we are privileged to live. So far we have two new applicants to be considered at next month’s board meeting.”

According to National, we currently have 99 members in our Butte Exchange Club.


Update and Reminder

The Communications Committee would like to remind you that we rely on committee chairmen and all club members to send us meeting announcements, stories and photos when we cannot be present at Club events. Please use your cell phones and capture some fun photos to send us.

Please send notices of upcoming events and meetings, past events and photos to info@ButteExchangeClub.org .By doing so, the message will automatically be sent to the Club Secretary, Website Coordinator, Bulletin Editor and Public Relations Chairman.   The information will be picked up by the appropriate person and included in the weekly emails, monthly bulletin, and website.   If you can’t remember this email address, don’t worry! It is at the bottom of every page of the club website www.ButteExchangeClub.org .

Here is how the information is used:

Upcoming events:

  • Brad gets event and meeting announcements quickly to everyone in the weekly email.
  • Jon Kuennen updates the “Tuesday Programs” and “Upcoming Events” sections on the website. The Speakers List comes from Holly of the Program Committee.  (New)
  • Penny includes upcoming events in the monthly Bulletin.
  • Elyse issues Press Releases to the local media if needed.

Past events:

  • Brad may include a short item in the weekly email if requested by the event organizer.
  • Penny will include photos and a story in the monthly Bulletin
  • Elyse writes up items for the “Featured Story” for the website Homepage and Dan posts them.

Regards, Elyse Lewis   Mobile:  406-565-0801  Home: 406-299-2186     E-mail:  lewis.exchange@bresnan.net


Bulletin Editor – Penny McElroy

Mobile: (406) 490-1946 Home: (406) 494-2731

E-mail: pamcelroy7@gmail.com