2015 February Bulletin

National Update

Our Butte Ace and Youth of the Year winners are featured on the national website. Please take a moment and check out your National Exchange Club Website at www.nationalexchangeclub.org.

District Update

Jim Stilwell, District President, announced that District Officers are now planning for the next District Convention to be held at the Big Sky Resort on June 26 and 27, 2015. Below is a preliminary agenda for the convention. Jim will provide updates as they become available.

Preliminary Agenda


Friday, June 26, 2015

3:00 – 7:00           Convention Registration (Location: Registration Desk)

3:30 – 5:00           District Board of Directors Meeting (Location: Shoshone Board Room)

6:00 – 6:30           Cash Bar Reception (Location: Huntley Dining Room)

6:30 – 6:45           Welcome, Introductions, Recognitions

6:45 – 8:00           Dinner Buffett: Menu to be determined (Dress code: Business casual)

8:00 p.m.             Entertainment

9:30 – Midnight                Hospitality Suite (Location: To be determined)

Saturday, June 27, 2015

                7:00 – 8:30           Breakfast buffet (Jefferson Room)

8:30- Noon          Presentations and breaks (Madison Room)

Noon – 1:00         Lunch break

1:00 – 4:30           Presentations and breaks; Program concludes

6:00 – 6:45           Cash bar reception (Location: Madison Room)

6:45 – 7:00           Introductions and Call to Order

7:00 – 7:45           Dinner Buffet: Menu to be determined (Dress code: Business casual)

7:45 – 9:00           Ace, Student of the Year and club member awards

Keynote Speaker: National Exchange President Tom Carnes

Induction of district officers

9:00 – 9:30           Closing comments; Covenant of Service

9:30 – MidnightHospitality Room (Location to be determined)

Room reservation information: The two person room rate for two queen beds in the Huntley Lodge for Exchange Club member attendees is $139.95. If you need a larger capacity room they are available for a slightly higher rate. Reservations can be made at any time but please refer to the Yellowstone District Exchange Club Convention when contacting Big Sky. The Big Sky Resort phone number to use for making reservations is 800-548-4486. Please contact Jim Stilwell/District President if you have any questions or problems. A more complete agenda will be made available at a later date. There will be numerous recreation and entertainment opportunities available at Big Sky. A guide will be made available to attendees on arrival. Also, Yellowstone National Park is less than an hour’s drive south of Big Sky.



  • February 24        :               Brenda Hergott – Child Abuse Prevention
  • March 3                :               Carrie Vath – Nigerian Research **(Note change in location to Butte Country Club)
  • March 10              :               Tad Dale – MRI Business Update
  • March 17              :               Sea Cast Facility Update

Committee Meetings

Child Abuse Prevention Committee will meet on Wednesday, March 4, at 5:15 p.m. at Sparky’s. Also, please be thinking of a good April date for the Run, Roll and Stroll for Kids. Contact Linda Corr-Mahugh (lmcorr@hotmail.com) if you need additional information.

Field of Honor Committee will meet on Wednesday, March 4th at noon in the regular club meeting room. Bring your own lunch and great ideas. Contact Lauren Kippen (lkippen@marquiscompanies.com) for more information.


Butte Exchange Club “Ace and Youth of the Year” Banquet

Wednesday, February 18th, the Butte Exchange Club held its annual ACE and Student of the Year Banquet at the Butte Country Club. About 100 members and guests were in attendance. Three local students were awarded a total of $7,000 in scholarships.

2015_02_183 (800x584)

Youth of the Year – Maria Michelotti, Ace Award Winners – Chance Standish and Cree Weaselboy

Maria Michelotti, a Butte High School Senior, was selected Youth of the Year and received a $1,000 scholarship. She has maintained a 4.0 GPA all four years at Butte High School. Maria is a member of the Science National Honor Society, and the National Honor Society. She was elected Lt. Governor at Girls State 2014. She is a member of the Spanish Club and the Montana History Club. She is active in her church as a lector, youth minister, and a member of her church youth group. Maria is co-Captain of the Butte High Women’s Soccer Team and was named All Conference Goalie for the Eastern Conference in 2013. She has been named Academic All State 9 times during high school for soccer, basketball and softball. She was named All State in softball in 2014 for her role as catcher. Butte Cares chose Maria to attend a Life of Athlete’s camp in Lake Placid, NY. In 2011 she was the third best batter in the nation at the Little League World Series for the 16U level. She is the senior tour guide at the Copper King Mansion. Maria plans attend college to study pre-medicine.   Maria suggested students have a “senior service project” as a graduation requirement. This would enable students to build a sense of community and experience problem solving, independent learning and would foster fellowship across generations.

There were eleven other candidates nominated for Youth of the year. They are all excellent students and representatives of their schools and community. They will each win a $50.00 gift card.

Butte Central Candidates:

                                Marcus Ferriter
                                Erin McGeehan
                                Zach Hart
                                Conor McGee
                                Dalton Sessions
                                Chance Standish
Butte High School Candidates:
                                Blake Casagranda
                                Clay Dean
                                Claire Manson
                                Erin Olivieri
                                Gavin Sison

This year the Butte Exchange Club selected a male and female student as recipients of the ACE Award. ACE stands for Accepting the Challenge of Excellence. John McBride, chairman of the ACE Award selection committee said that this award recognizes high school students who have faced and overcome daunting circumstances in their lives.

Chance Standish is the first Ace Award winner. He is a senior at Butte Central High School and is active in music and student government.   He is an excellent student and plans to attend Mortuary Science School. Chance has coped with a difficult family life ultimately leading to his parent’s divorce, a disabled parent involved in a life threatening traffic accident, and severely limited financial resources.

Cree Weaselboy is our second Ace Award winner. She is a senior at Butte High School. Cree is taking advanced placement classes and is on track to graduate in June. She is currently working two part-time jobs to help support herself. She is also dealing with an incredibly difficult family situation including the suicide death of a younger sibling.

Both Chance and Cree will receive a $1,000 Ace Award Scholarship and will continue on in the District and National competitions. Chance will also receive a $1,000 Butte Exchange Club Merit Scholarship for a total award of $2,000. Cree will receive the Rosemary Rawls, Susan Welsch and James Dorr Johnson Scholarships for $4,000 in total awards.

The Butte Exchange Club would like to thank our keynote speaker Lieutenant Governor Angela McLean.

Angela’s message to our students was so sincere and uplifting.   She recognized each student and complimented them on their courage and accomplishments. She also made the audience feel special by recognizing Butte’s sense of community and the Exchange Club’s role in recognizing these outstanding students.

Thank you to John McBride and Lynn Sullivan for all of the hard work making this such a special and worthwhile event.

Exchange Club would also like to thank the following for their continued support of our ACE and Youth of the Year program.

                New Horizon Technology
                Resodyn Corporation
                Roger Rawls
                Diane Kimball

Please take a minute to read the Montana Standard Article on our Ace and Youth Award Banquet by reporter Renata Birkenbuel.


Banquet 2015

Keynote Speaker: Lt. Governor, Angela McLean



Congratulations to the Butte Exchange Club! Janel Morgan and Lucas Connors are our two newest members making our current membership 101. Thank you to our membership committee and those who continue to invite prospective members to our club activities.

Welcome Janel and Lucas.

Special thank you to Linda Corr-Mahugh for updating out club directory.


Update and Reminder

The Communications Committee would like to remind you that we rely on committee chairmen and all club members to send us meeting announcements, stories and photos when we cannot be present at Club events. Please use your cell phones and capture some fun photos to send us.

Please send notices of upcoming events and meetings, past events and photos to info@ButteExchangeClub.org . By doing so, the message will automatically be sent to the Club Secretary, Website Coordinator, Bulletin Editor and Public Relations Chairman.   The information will be picked up by the appropriate person and included in the weekly emails, monthly bulletin, and website.   If you can’t remember this email address, don’t worry! It is at the bottom of every page of the club website www.ButteExchangeClub.org .

Here is how the information is used:

Upcoming events:

  • Brad gets event and meeting announcements quickly to everyone in the weekly email.
  • Jon Kuennen updates the “Tuesday Programs” and “Upcoming Events” sections on the website. The Speakers List comes from Holly of the Program Committee.  (New)
  • Penny includes upcoming events in the monthly Bulletin.
  • Elyse issues Press Releases to the local media if needed.

Past events:

  • Brad may include a short item in the weekly email if requested by the event organizer.
  • Penny will include photos and a story in the monthly Bulletin
  • Elyse writes up items for the “Featured Story” for the website Homepage and Dan posts them.

Regards, Elyse Lewis   Mobile:  406-565-0801  Home: 406-299-2186     E-mail:  lewis.exchange@bresnan.net


Bulletin Editor – Penny McElroy

Mobile: (406) 490-1946 Home: (406) 494-2731

E-mail: pamcelroy7@gmail.com