2015 June Bulletin


Changing of the Guard

Dear Fellow Members of Exchange:

As your upcoming President, I’m excited for the possibilities this new year can bring!  It’s a great time to be involved with the Exchange Club of Butte.  We’re 100 members strong (give or take a few) and we will continue to work side-by-side to promote a better quality of life for all Butte people.  Our core values of “Family, Community and Country” will continue to be shown through our programs of service and projects that we do.  We’re not “all work and no play.”  Fun?  Yep, we’ll have some fun.   Events like the “FunRaiser”,  Steak Fry and Phillipsburg Trip always prove to be exciting!  Along with our committee chairs, we’ll look for some new ways to create fellowship and fun this year as well!  

Congratulations to Past President Leo Prigge for a very successful year!  Under his leadership, our club grew in so many ways!  I plan on not letting him rest too much as I will be listening for his direction/advice when needed.  Thank you Leo for all of your dedication, time and talent!

Have some suggestions?  Great!  I can be reached at ljkippen@bresnan.net or 490-5026.   

Yours in service,


National Update

The changing of our officers and a new Exchange Club Year provide us an opportunity to look back at some of our Exchange Club History. The information below was taken from our National Exchange Club Website and provides some interesting history about our organization.

“The National Exchange Club is the oldest service organization in the country. More than 650 local clubs throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico provide individuals with opportunities to use their time and talents to benefit their local communities and the country as a whole. Exchange’s Core Values are family, community and country.

Through the Programs of Service – Americanism, Community Service and Youth Programs – members support activities that benefit youth, promote pride in our country, and honor military and public service providers, to name a few. The prevention of child abuse is Exchange’s National Project.

Exchange was founded March 27, 1911, in Detroit, Michigan, by a group of business executives who wanted simply to exchange ideas. Those ideas grew and were shared, and have resulted in innumerable benefits to the nation.

Currently, Exchange has nearly 20,000 members in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. The organization’s National Headquarters, located in Toledo, Ohio, acts as a resource to local-level clubs and its members.

Exchange’s Vision was developed and the Mission Statement was simplified in January 2015, to allow every Exchange Club member to take ownership and deliver clear a message to his/her community.

Vision: A strong America, safe communities, and unified people.

Mission: Exchange, inspiring communities to become better places to live.”

(See more at: http://www.nationalexchangeclub.org/who-we-are/#sthash.LDhjYvRg.dpuf)

District Update

Jim Stilwell, the outgoing Yellowstone District President, said that the district convention was very successful according to our National President Tom Karnes.  The convention was held at Big Sky, Montana, June 26th and 27th.

The attendees were very involved in the presentations.  The Ace award winner Chance Housely from Billings did an excellent job on Saturday night with his presentation.  The Youth winner could not attend due to a family matter.  Quentin Eggart was the District Exchangite of the Year winner.  Marie Kagey-Shutey was the All-American Volunteer winner. 

Photos were provided by Cindi Farrar.  

2015 District Convention – Big Sky, Montana


New District President and his wife - note the bear sign in the background.

National President Tom Karnes and his wife Mary – note the bear sign in the background.


  • July 4th – Give a Kid a Flag and 4th of July Parade. All club members who are interested in helping the BEC spread American flags and patriotism – here’s your chance.

Interested members (and friends and cute kids) meet at 9:00 AM on Saturday, July 4th at the Poore, Roth and Robinson building in front of Stokes’ grocery store on Harrison (across from the Civic Center). There will be a quick float decoration followed by a long healthy walk handing out flags along the parade route. The more people the better so we welcome everyone. Lauren Kippen will have a few extra club shirts. In case we run out of shirts, make sure to wear your patriotic colors. Water and refreshments will be provided at the end of the parade (intersection of Harrison and Elizabeth Warren). 

Hope to see you there!

  • The annual steak fry will be held on July 14th at the Berkley Pit picnic area during our regular meeting time.


  • July 7th – Installation of Officers
  • July 14th – Steak Fry


  • Members of Exchange Club met on Tuesday, June 30th to help assemble flags for the “Give a Kid a Flag” project for the July 4th parade.
Getting the flags ready for the parade.
Getting the flags ready for the parade.


During a regular club meeting on June 16th, the club approved the 2015/2016 slate of officers and board members. Congratulations to you all and thank you for all you do for the Butte Exchange Club.

New Officers for 2015 – 2016 term of office are:

  • President – Lauren Kippen
  • President-Elect – Linda Corr-Mahugh
  • Vice President – Doug Cameron
  • Secretary – Brad Cederberg
  • Treasurer – Andy Durkin


Here’s your chance to get more involved in the BEC!  A few of our club committees are looking for committee members. Please take a look at the info below and contact the listed committee chair if you’re interested.

Committee: Program Committee

Chair: Doug Rotondi (djrotondi44@gmail.com)

Basic Duties: The Program Committee is responsible for finding and scheduling our weekly speakers. Doug is always looking for speaker ideas and additional committee members to help with general planning.

Committee: Excel Club

Chair: Lyza Schnabel (quarrybrewing@bresnan.net)

Basic Duties: The Butte High Excel Club is our high school counterpart. Lyza is looking for committee members who will help coordinate activities between the two clubs and attend an occasional Excel Club meeting.

Committee: Give-a-Kid-a-Flag-to-Wave

Chair: Lauren Kippen (lkippen@marquiscompanies.com)

Basic Duties: The GAKAFTW Committee organizes and implements the BEC group in the Butte Independence Day Parade. Members prepare flags before the parade and help hand out mini American flags along the parade route. Lauren is always looking for helpers.

Committee: Public Relations Committee

Chair: Elyse Lewis (lewis.exchange@bresnan.net)

Basic Duties: Elyse is looking for someone to help Jon Kuennen update our club website. Computer literacy and familiarity with Word Press are a plus.


Update and Reminder

The Communications Committee would like to remind you that we rely on committee chairmen and all club members to send us meeting announcements, stories and photos since we cannot be present at Club events. Please use your cell phones and capture some fun photos to send us.

Please send all details on upcoming events & speakers to:     info@butteexchangeclub.org

If you have taken photos at Club events that you want to share, please send them to:info@butteexchangeclub.org (cell phone shots are OK)

Need help? Call: Elyse Lewis –Public Relations Chairman – 565-0801

Bulletin Editor – Penny McElroy

Mobile: (406) 490-1946 Home: (406) 494-2731

E-mail: pamcelroy7@gmail.com