2015 October Bulletin


One of many beautiful photographs of the September 11th Field of Honor taken by Lisa Wareham. To see more of Lisa’s beautiful pictures follow instructions in the Communication Section of this bulletin.



November 3rd – Ethan Heverly – State Fund Director of Government and Community Relations.


November 10th – It’s My Flag Program at Hillcrest Elementary 1:15 p.m. All are welcome

November 11th – Short Flag Program at Margaret Leary Elementary 8:20 a.m. 


The annual fundraiser – An Evening of Wine and Roses – will be held on February 12th at the Butte Country Club. Details to follow.


“Community service is the lifeline of Exchange. Exchange Clubs across the country spend countless hours and dollars improving their communities each year. In fact, many of the projects within the Program of Service have a common goal of serving and benefiting communities.

The history of Exchange’s Community Service projects is quite impressive. Since the first group of Exchangites convened in 1911 in Detroit, Michigan, Exchange has been dedicated to serving its communities. Throughout the years, Exchange Clubs have been responsible for community endeavors of all types such as, cleaning up highways, sponsoring cultural programs, hosting art and industrial shows, holding state and county fairs and festivals, and organizing rodeos and athletic events. Exchange Clubs have also provided millions of dollars for scholarships, gifts, equipment, sponsorships, educational assistance, and other worthy causes.” (Taken from the National Exchange Club website)

Below are two of our service projects and events that benefit our community.

Field of Honor Proceeds

Wednesday, October 20, 2015, the Butte Exchange Club presented checks to seven non-profit organizations from Butte. Proceeds from the September 11th Field of Honor were distributed in a luncheon ceremony at the Butte Country Club.

The Field of Honor generated close to $32,000 this year. The following organizations were recipients of various amounts. Not all amounts are equal because donors were able to choose the non-profit getting their donation.

  1. Butte Child Evaluation Center $4,232.00
  2. Butte Rescue Mission $4,302
  3. Butte Family YMCA $4,357.00
  4. Butte Family Drug Court $4,407.00
  5. Big Brothers/Big Sisters $4,607.00
  6. Shriners Hospitals for Children $4,695.00
  7. Butte United Veterans Council $4,940.00


Exchange foh luncheon

The Shriners Children’s Hospitals received a check for $4,695 at the Field of Honor Luncheon.

National Day of Service

“In October of 1999, Exchange Clubs across America and in Puerto Rico made history by participating in the first ever National Day of Service. More than 2,500 Exchangites and 200 clubs took part in this monumental day along with school groups, other service clubs and community groups. Now almost fourteen years later, the National Day of Service is still helping Exchange members find new ways to serve their communities and bring positive exposure to their clubs,” (Taken from the National Exchange Club Website)

This year’s Butte Exchange Club National Day of Service Project was helping Butte Silver build about 90 feet of jack leg fence on the Big Butte Trail. Chairman Tom Daniels and a dedicated group of seven Exchangites and friends gathered at the base of Butte’s “Big M” on Saturday, October 27th. The group also picked up litter along the trail. This was a great community service project and also helped Butte Silver Bow who was one of our partners in the Field of Honor.

Special thank you to: Pat Cooney; Lee Walsh – Fence Builder Extraordinaire; Lauren Kippen; Barry Kippen; Julie Brandon; Elyse Lewis and JP Gallagher from BSB Parks & Rec.

A special thank you to Tom Daniel for chairing and participating in this event and providing ‘Bud and Brats’ for the crew.



 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????President Lauren Kippen, Julie Brandon and Barry Kippen help with the Community Service Project.


Special thank you to Julie Brandon for the excellent coverage of the 2015 Field of Honor.

Also, special thanks to Lisa Wareham of Wareham Photography for the beautiful pictures of the Field of Honor.

Pictures taken at the Field by Lisa Wareham Photography are available. Please see instructions and link below.

“Link is available at the bottom of this email. You will be able to download all of the photos in the high resolution format here. I just require that when photos are used, there is photo credit (on or near the photos when printed/online in the caption, some sort of place in a slideshow that says the photos were mine (not on every photo in a slideshow, just somewhere in the slideshow, credits at the end, etc)

Instructions: 1. Click the link at the bottom of this email. 2. On the top right, click the blue “download” button 3. There will be a drop down. Click “download as zip” 4. If you right click and save, it will be a low quality pixelated version, so it’s important they are all downloaded as the .zip. Link:


Lisa Wareham Photography lisawareham.com 406.533.8125 102 West Granite Street, Butte, MT 59701

Update and Reminder

The Communications Committee would like to remind you that we rely on committee chairmen and all club members to send us meeting announcements, stories and photos since we cannot be present at Club events. Please use your cell phones and capture some fun photos to send us.

Please send all details on upcoming events & speakers to:     info@butteexchangeclub.org

If you have taken photos at Club events that you want to share, please send them to:info@butteexchangeclub.org (cell phone shots are OK)

Need help? Call: Elyse Lewis –Public Relations Chairman – 565-0801

Bulletin Editor – Penny McElroy

Mobile: (406) 490-1946 Home: (406) 494-2731

E-mail: pamcelroy7@gmail.com