Autho2017 March/April Bulletin
April is Child Abuse Prevention Month
“The National Exchange Club officially adopted the prevention of child abuse as its National Project in 1979 at the 61st National Convention.” (
As part of our Exchange Club mission of preventing child abuse, Molly Malloy from the Butte Child Evaluation Center spoke about the Mission of the Center and also some community statistics. In 2016, the Child Evaluation Center served:
183 Children, did
161 Forensic Interviews; and
44 Medical Exams; and did
15 DEC Samples
The mission of the Center is to “establish and maintain a center that promotes dignity and respect while minimizing trauma, maximizing the criminal prosecution, ensuring continued follow through in treatment for the best possible outcome.”
Many thanks to Molly and her team for all they do for the children and families of South Western Montana.
5.2.17 Martial Arts – Sam Rauch
5.9.17 Butte Education Foundation – Kristen Rosa
5.16.17 Author – Gary Swant
5.23.17 Elizabeth Chase, Jackie Freeman
5.30.17 Roxy – The Mission
The 2017 Yellowstone District Exchange Club convention will be held in Billings April 28 – 29. If you love Exchange Club, this is a great event. Contact Linda ( if you are interested in attending. Butte will have two excellent student winners at the district level. Connor Ford from Butte was named Student of the Year for the Yellowstone District Exchange Club and Seth Russell from Butte was named ACE award winner for the Yellowstone District. Congratulations to both young men.
Wednesday and Friday mornings the Exchange Club work crew will be working at the new Carousel. Interested volunteers should call Jim Stilwell (406-490-5741) for the work schedule.
The Garbage Guys will resume pick-up every Thursday. Interested volunteers should meet at 8:30 AM at Perkins and bring gloves. Call Jim Stilwell (406-490-5741) or Pat Cooney ( for details.
Student of the Year
“Connor Ford has been chosen as the Butte Exchange Club’s 2017 Student of the Year. He will graduate from Butte Central Catholic High School this spring. Connor rose to the top with his academic classes and activities. While maintaining his high academic studies he was able to follow his passion in the arts. He was the 1st male Irish dancer from Montana to participate at the world championship of Irish Dance. Connor will graduate in May. In the fall he will begin his advanced studies in Business Accounting at Loyola University Chicago. He will continue to pursue his passion attending the Trinity Academy of Irish Dance.
We just learned that Connor is the recipient of the Yellowstone District’s Youth of the Year award and his name and application will be forward to the National Exchange Club for national recognition and a possible $10,000 academic scholarship.
The Butte Exchange Club wishes Connor the very best on this next chapter in his young life. “
(Article provided by Juliann Crnich)

Connor Ford; 2017 Student of the Year Winner
Exchange Club members held a March meeting at the Science Mine (36 E. Granite St. below the Hennessy Market). Members enjoyed the field trip and viewing the hands on exhibits about environmental issues and mining. Pizza was provided.

Exchange Club Member Jim Stilwell at the Butte Science Mine
“The Exchange Club in conjunction with Big Brothers and Sisters of Butte Silver Bow held their first annual ‘Be a Hero for Kids; Bruce’s Big Butte Challenge’ on April 15, 2017. The Big Butte Challenge is a run that has historically been sponsored by the YMCA and includes a 5K and 11K course at the Montana Tech Campus on the Saturday before Easter. This year’s run also included a 1-mile fun-run to encourage participation by families and children. The run was renamed to include a reference to April’s child-abuse prevention awareness month and to further remember a local runner and great citizen, Bruce Robinson.
The run was sponsored by several local businesses and assisted tremendously by the Butte running club. This year, 118 people registered for the run and 110 completed it despite snow on the ground. Through sponsorships and registrations the two clubs earned approximately $5,000.00 to be split equally between the organizations. Butte’s Exchange Club will donate its portion of the proceeds to Butte’s Child Evaluation Center at the Community Health Center, where local children are triaged and assisted following removal from their homes and/or other trauma.” (Provided by Marie Kagie- Shutey)
For more information on the run see
Very special thank you to Marie Kagie-Shutey, Angie Hasquet and all those who helped make this event so successful.

2017 Run for the Prevention of Child Abuse
FunRaiser Update
Final funds raised at our Mardi Gras celebration – great effort and wonderful event. Thank you to Andy Durkin and Linda Corr-Mahugh for the financial update.
2017 FUNRAISER w/BCC Expenses
FunRaiser Revenue
50/50 Heads or Tails 409.00
Auction Sales 17,625.00
Dinner Tickets 6,650.00
Raffle Sales 3,220.00
Make a Difference Contributions 1,483.00
Total FunRaiser Revenue 29,387.00
FunRaiser Expenses
Event Expenses 2,300.00
Raffle Winner 1,500.00
Supplies 1,176.05
Other 2,000.00
Butte Country Club 3,943.25
Total FunRaiser Expenses 10,919.30
NET INCOME 18,467.70

Judge Brad Newman at the 2017 Mardi Gras FunRaiser
Thank you to Club members for the great speaker ideas. Please, if you have any ideas for speakers at our weekly meetings, contact Holly McCamant ( or Doug Rotondi (
More to come next month on Seth Russell our ACE Award Winner.
Update and Reminder
Please send all details on upcoming events & speakers to:
If you have taken photos at Club events that you want to share, please send them (cell phone shots are OK)
Need help? Call: Elyse Lewis –Public Relations Chairman – 565-0801
Bulletin Editor – Penny McElroy
Mobile: (406) 490-1946 Home: (406) 494-2731