Year End Thoughts…
“To be kind is more important than to be right. Many times, what people need is not a brilliant mind that speaks but a special heart that listens.” (Unknown)
“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” (by Mahatma Gandhi)
Both quotes typify the kindness and service to others of the Butte Exchange Club.

Butte Exchange Club members spent countless hours on the Butte Carousel in 2018. Thank you to our Carousel volunteers.
It is never too early to plan for the 2019 National Exchange Club Convention. The 101st National Exchange Club Convention and 36th Symposium will be held in Norfolk, VA on July 17-20, 2019 at the Norfolk Sheraton Waterfront.
Please check out page 30 of the latest Exchange Today dated Winter 2018. “The National Exchange Club is sharing two new tip cards for Child Abuse Prevention Month in April. Copies of the two tip cards titled: “What to Know About Bullying, and What to Know About Safety on the Computer, can be printed from the Exchange’s website –”
These cards contain excellent information for parents and grandparents on how to keep our children safe.
The Butte Exchange Club meets every Tuesday at noon in the second floor conference room of the Resodyn Headquarters (Old Hennessy Building) using the entrance at 16 East Granite Street.
1/1/2019 New Year’s Day – No Lunch
1/8/2019 Youth of the Year Candidates Presentations
1/15/2019 Saving Mongolia’s Grasslands – Kathleen McLaughlin
2/5/2019 Butte Literacy Program Coordinator – Tenney Hammond
Spirit of Christmas
2018 Spirit of Christmas – Report by Joann Brocco

Members of the Butte Excel Club, Exchange Club; Glacier Bank and Friends. Spirit of Christmas 2018
“The Spirit of Christmas has arrived! Several Club members, members of the Excel Club and employees of Glacier Bank arrived early Sunday morning, November 25th, at Walmart and fulfilled the Christmas wish lists for 23 local children”
Volunteers from Exchange Club were Shane Rielly, Doug Rotondi, Penny McElroy, Julie Crnich, Elyse Lewis, Debbie Todd, Keily Thoen, and Angie Hasquet.
Volunteers from Excel were Sophie Archibald, Kennady Hepola, Joscelyn Cleveland, Kieyrah Killoy, Kodie Hoagland, and Olivia Quinn and
Volunteers from Glacier Bank were Sara and Kali Burke, Stephanie Rickey, Debbie V, Ashlie & Dalton.
Names were gathered from three agencies this year: Butte 4 C’s, Stokes Market and Action Inc. Mining City Christmas Program. The group shopped for 23 children. We had a great time shopping and wrapping. We were totally finished by 11:30. Thank you to the Springs for letting us use the conference room again this year.
Special thanks to: Jeff Francis ($1000.00) and Tom Daniel ($100.00). for their generous donations, our over all shopping budget came to $2,600.00. We spent $2,776.95 at Walmart and they gave us a 10% discount so our grand total came to $2,503.76.
Then all gathered at the Springs to wrap the gifts. Thanks to all who attended and to those who donated additional funds to this project.”
Thank you so much JoAnn for your continued work as Chair on this special project. We appreciate all you do.

Chairperson Spirit of Christmas – Joann Bracco
Thank you to our Club Spiritual Advisors

Father Tom Haffey and Deacon Doug Cameron
The end of the year is a perfect time to thank all of our Exchange Club clergy members who provide our invocations and spiritual programs throughout the year. Your messages inspire us and guide us. Thank you for your time and blessings.

Father Brian Miller 2018
Update and Reminder
The Communications Team is desperately searching for a volunteer to serve as editor of the Club Bulletin. The bulletin typically comes out once a month. We won’t have a bulletin editor after December 31st. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have an interest. Training will be provided.
The Communications Committee would like to remind you that we rely on committee chairmen and all club members to send us meeting announcements, stories and photos since we cannot be present at all Club events. Please use your cell phones and capture some fun photos to send us.
We are also interested in any new photos of club members. We are especially looking for high quality group shoots.
Please send all details on upcoming events & speakers to:
If you have taken photos at Club events that you want to share, please send them (cell phone shots are OK)
Need help? Call: Elyse Lewis –Public Relations Chairman – 565-0801