March/April 2018 Bulletin
Update from Elyse Lewis – Public Relations Chairman
Subject: Communications for Development of Dillon Exchange Club
Communications Team: I just wanted to bring you up to date on these communications activities that I have been doing for Jim Stilwell. Please, if you have any suggestions Jim and I are all ears!
To support the development of an Exchange Club in Dillon the Butte Exchange Club has started to do some promotion in the Dillon newspapers. The purpose of this memo it to let you know how our money is being spent: Here is information about the newspapers in Dillon:
Dillonite Daily and Advertiser: Today our ad is on page 15! Our ad will show up daily M-F for four weeks. $65 There was no room in the “newsy” section so our ad will show in the Advertiser section. Every day 1000 copies of this paper are distributed around Dillon at restaurants and various businesses. The Advertiser section is an insert in the “newsy” part of the paper. There is also a listing of upcoming events each day. If any meetings are organized for our project we can list them in that section . We need to submit information regarding the event a few days in advance. They guarantee it will be printed once and more often if space permits. No charge for this service. The publication is produced by Womack’s Printing. Our contact is Rachel 406-683-4903.
Posters: Womack’s Printing can print posters for us if we decide we need them. 11”x17” posters B&W on white paper are $0.20/each. Color on B&W paper are $2.00/each but price drops to $1.40 if 51 copies are ordered. Once we get the Dillon webpage active we can design posters. Although we might be able to get free posters in Butte I think we need to use a Dillon business.
Dillon Tribune: You can see a free trial copy here: Otherwise the website is:
This weekly publication comes out on Wednesday. We have paid for four weeks. $259.20. There is an Events section and information for that is required the week before publication. Our contact is Paul Tatarka 406-683-2331. April 18 will be our first issue.
Webpage: A webpage with its own address will be added to the Butte Exchange Club website. Monica Cederberg should have this webpage running soon. At this time the purpose of the webpage is to help us recruit charter members for the Dillon Club. We want to help readers envision how an Exchange Club could help Dillon. And give them reasons why someone should become a charter member. As time goes on we’ll learn more about the needs of the Dillon community and will want to adjust the content to meet their needs. . We will be doing person-to-person recruiting and running ads in the Dillon newspapers. This webpage should be an easy to use site where those interested can quickly get answers to their questions.
Elyse Lewis
June 1st & 2nd: Exchange Yellowstone District Convention (From the National Exchange Club Website)
Program Guests include: National Exchange Club Treasurer – Jim Ruzon from the Exchange Club of Joliet, Illinois and Jerry Thompson, Region 2 Regional Vice President from the Capital City Exchange Club of Salem, OR. AND MORE!
The Northern Hotel: A block of rooms is reserved with rates ranging from $125-$175 per night plus taxes. Ask for Yellowstone District Exchange Club Block. Tel: 406-867-6767. Cutoff is May 4, 2018 for these rates.
The Clock Tower Inn: An additional block of rooms located 1 block away from our host hotel. Rates ranging from $114- $121 per night plus tax. Includes free breakfast at Stella’s next door. Voted the best breakfast in Billings for the past 11 years. Tel: 406-259-5511.
Cut off is May 1, 2018. Rates quoted above reflect single or double occupancy. Additional guests over 17 years old will result in an additional $7 onto the room rate.
No refunds on cancellations after Tuesday, May 15, 2018.
June 9th: Brew and Q! Annual Fundraiser – Music, food, games, fun at the Original Mineyard. 4:00-8:00 pm.
July 11th to 14th: National Exchange Club Convention – Reno, NV. All club members are welcome to attend.
August 23rd – 26th: 2018 Field of Honor: Contact Lauren Kippen ( or Cindy Farrar ( if you would like to help out.
The Butte Exchange Club meets every Tuesday at noon in the second floor conference room of the Resodyn Headquarters (Old Hennessy Building) using the entrance at 16 E. Granite St.
05.01.18 BSB Arborist | Kathleen Humpa
05.01.18 New Butte Airport Terminal Tour- Field Trip
05.08.18 Be Contaminant Smart | John Ray
05.08.18 Dr. George Mulcaire-Jones
The Saint Patricks Day Parade – March 17, 2018
Members and guests of the Butte Exchange Club marched in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in uptown Butte. The event advertised both the Butte Exchange Club and the Bruce’s Challenge Big Butte Fun Run.

Saint Patrick’s Day Parade 2018 – Exchange Club Members : Linda Corr-Mahugh; Lauren Kippen; Juliann Crnich
The Bruce’s Challenge Big Butte Fun Run took place on March 31st. The race started at the Montana Tech Hyper at 10:00 AM. Marie Kagie-Shutey and Angie Hasquet helped chair this event. More to come on money raised in next month’s bulletin.
According to Angie, there were almost 70 walkers and runners who braved the chilly weather on Saturday, March 31st. Exchange Club teamed up with Big Brothers Big Sisters for the event and ended up with 12 other sponsors. BBBS handled the registration money and sponsor donations.
Thank you to Marie and Angie for their work on this fun event.

Very cold Butte, Montana Day for the Fun Run. Seen in the distance, Marie Kage Shutey and children.

Bob and Cindy Carlson at the 2018 Fun Run
Nominations are open for our annual club awards. If you would like to nominate a club member for Exchangeite or Volunteer of the Year, please contact Doug Rotondi ( ).
The garbage guys and gals will resume their trash collections and work on the Carousel Project every Thursday. For those members who want to help, please meet every Thursday morning at Perkins at 8:30 a.m. Contact Jim Stilwell or Pat Cooney for additional information.
Exchange Club members who want to help with the Field of Honor. Check the weekly email for dates and times
Speakers Wanted – If you have an idea for an interesting luncheon speaker, please contact Noah Thatcher ( or Corey Dennehy (
Reminder to Club members that there are many opportunities to serve on Exchange Club Committees.
Update and Reminder
The Communications Committee would like to remind you that we rely on committee chairmen and all club members to send us meeting announcements, stories and photos since we cannot be present at all Club events. Please use your cell phones and capture some fun photos to send us.
We are also interested in any new photos of club members. We are especially looking for high quality group shoots.
Please send all details on upcoming events & speakers to:
If you have taken photos at Club events that you want to share, please send them (cell phone shots are OK)
Need help? Call: Elyse Lewis –Public Relations Chairman – 565-0801
Bulletin Editor – Penny McElroy
Mobile: (406) 490-1946 Home: (406) 494-2731