Fall Greetings from Our New President – Shane Reilly
First of all, I am excited to be President of The Butte Exchange Club. The long and dedicated service this organization has provided to the community of Butte is second to none. As President I hope to bring action and accountability to the club and to the community. I want to instill passion and hard work to club members and lead by example in all activities of the organization and in my personal life. Our club has a great platform in which we can continue to spread nationalism, patriotism and awareness for the causes we find valuable that will bring success to the community. I want to be a President that continues to help the less fortunate, the abused and the families of those who have lost loved ones who gave their lives to make this country a better place.
Awareness through community service and the great dialogue our club provides every week cannot be overestimated in its value to the community as a whole. So, with that said, club participation is paramount to our success and most important to me as President.
Shane Reilly
Facts About Shane:
• Aries
• 36 years young
• Butte, America is always my home
• UM Griz and UC Buffalo Alum
• President/CFO of First Citizens Bank
• Board Member of 6 Service Organizations
• Butte Exchange Club – President
• Butte Chamber of Commerce – Board member
• Big Brother/Big Sisters – Treasurer, 2019 President
• Colt Anderson Dream Big Foundation – Treasurer
• Butte America Foundation – Treasurer
• KBFM Radio – Treasurer
• Griz, Gator, Blue Devil, Sixer and Baker Mayfield fan
• Love to read books (Malcom Gladwell is my favorite author), fly fish, golf, play cribbage, and travel (shop and eat in new places)
Please take a minute and browse the National Exchange Club Website. The site has wonderful information and is a great reminder of why we love being an Exchange Club Member. For example…
Programs of Service
“During the 1940s, Exchange had organized its club activities around seven areas of service that included: education; agriculture; aviation; citizenship; commerce and industry; federal youth rehabilitation; youth and geriatrics.
Today, three Programs of Service and Exchange’s National Project, the prevention of child abuse, are lenses through which local clubs focus their energy and attention on their communities’ specific needs. The Programs of Service are Americanism, Youth Programs and Community Service.
To help uphold Exchange’s Mission of inspiring communities to become better places to live, we have partnered with Veterans Matter, another national nonprofit. Veterans Matter is solely dedicated to providing deposits/first month’s rents for ready, waiting veterans who can use can use HUD-VASH vouchers to cross the threshold into safe, permanent housing. Veterans Matter has a 100% success rate in getting veterans housed in a government program that has a 91% success rate in keeping veterans housed. There are veterans waiting now; so, the urgency is immediate!
Have you ever passed a homeless person on the street and wondered if they were a veteran? Have you ever seen a homeless person holding a sign declaring he/she was a veteran? Has your heart ached as you passed by – knowing what you could give would hardly impact his or her situation? Do you know that veterans account for approximately one (1) of every four (4) homeless people living on the streets – streets within the very communities they served to protect? Did you know that it’s not only veterans who are homeless, but their children and spouses as well?
The reality that any veteran is homeless, let alone nearly 50,000 of them, is a stain on our nation’s honor. But we don’t have to be powerless; working together, we can make a difference.
The National Exchange Club believes there’s no better way to show gratitude for our freedoms than to thank a veteran; and, there’s no better way to thank a veteran than by taking care of those left vulnerable by homelessness. That’s why your local-level Exchange Clubs are committed to helping Veterans Matter raise the funds needed to get at least 2,000 veterans housed, as fast as possible. At a national average of $750 for a deposit, we can do this!” (Taken from the National Exchange Club Website).
The Butte Exchange Club meets every Tuesday at noon in the second floor conference room of the Resodyn Headquarters (Old Hennessy Building) using the entrance at 16 East Granite Street.
Reminder – Spirit of Christmas shopping is Sunday, November 25th. Please meet at 8:00 a.m. at the Butte Walmart. See you there. Contact Joann Bracco if you are interested in shopping for the Spirit of Christmas. ( 406-782-6903).
November 20, 2018 – Thanksgiving Turkey Shoot
November 27, 2018 –
December 4, 2018 – PBS | Aaron Pruitt
December 11, 2018 – Youth of Year Candidates Presentations
Garbage Guys continue regular cleanup as the weather permits. They will meet Thursdays at Perkins at 8:30. Contact Pat Cooney (patrick0049@charter.net) with questions.
Updated Results from the 2018 Field of Honor
The net proceeds from the 2018 Field of Honor will be distributed among eight Butte organizations including Butte United Veterans Council, Butte Family YMCA, Butte Rescue Mission, Butte Child Evaluation Center, Butte Family Drug Court/Butte Cares, Heart of Butte Café, Shriner’s Hospital (for Butte kids), Butte Big Brothers Big Sisters.
This year, according to Andy Durkin, the gross amount received was $29, 848. Expenses amounted to $14,118 leaving a net income of $15,730. After carrying over some funds to be available for future FOH expenses, this leaves $14,651 to be distributed to organizations including the Exchange Club Foundation.
Thank you all who sponsored flags, volunteered and visited the 2018 Field of Honor. Special thanks to all of the Event Sponsors.
Book of Golden Deeds Award
At our regular luncheon meeting on October 30th, the Book of Golden Deeds Award was presented to Faye Taylor. Jim Stilwell was the presenter.
The Butte Exchange Club awards the Book of Golden Deeds every year or so when we have a special candidate. Normally, this award is given to a senior citizen of our community. Typically, the award is given to someone who works behind the scenes and has not been recognized for their achievements.
This year’s recipient is Faye Taylor. She is 98 years young.
Faye is a retired music teacher. She also taught choir at Butte High School
She played in the Butte Symphony from the late 1960’s to the early 1990’s
She joined the Gold Hill Lutheran Church Quilt Ministry in the late 80’s
She continues to quilt for the Ministry and has helped in the sewing of over 6000 quilts over the years that have been distributed to the needy worldwide.
Congratulations to Faye from all of our Club members and thank you so much for all you have done.
(Information provided by Jim Stilwell)
Update and Reminder
The Communications Team is currently looking for one or two volunteers to serve as editor of the Club newsletter and Communications Chairperson. These are fun and rewarding jobs and vital to the continued success of our Club. Please let us know as soon as possible if you have an interest. Training will be provided.
The Communications Committee would like to remind you that we rely on committee chairmen and all club members to send us meeting announcements, stories and photos since we cannot be present at all Club events. Please use your cell phones and capture some fun photos to send us.
We are also interested in any new photos of club members. We are especially looking for high quality group shoots.
Please send all details on upcoming events & speakers to: info@butteexchangeclub.org
If you have taken photos at Club events that you want to share, please send them to:info@butteexchangeclub.org (cell phone shots are OK)
Need help? Call: Elyse Lewis –Public Relations Chairman – 565-0801
Bulletin Editor – Penny McElroy
Mobile: (406) 490-1946 Home: (406) 494-2731
E-mail: pamcelroy7@gmail.com